As part of our commitment to climate action, Strategic Grants is proud to announce our partnership with Carbon Neutral, a profit-for-purpose organisation providing carbon solutions to help mitigate the climate crisis. 

We have joined Carbon Neutral’s Plant-a-Tree program, helping to restore the natural landscape and reconnect habitats in the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor by linking small patches of remaining vegetation to create a 200km corridor from inland to the coast. 

We have already planted 400 trees and have a goal of doubling this in the next year. 

We know the future of our planet is just as important to the for-purpose organisations that choose to partner with us. That’s why for each new Grants Expertise Management System sign-on, we will plant five trees on behalf of your organisation.  

For our existing clients, we will plant a tree each time your services are renewed. It’s our way of saying thanks for joining us on our climate action journey, and another way to say thank you for your continued partnership. 

We are excited to formalise our commitment to climate action and to involve the for-purpose organisations we work with—this is only the beginning! 

Find out more about Carbon Neutral here