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Resources for Churches of Christ VIC Tas |
Beginner Webinar: Hook, Line and Sinker Application Writing In this hour-long webinar, Strategic Grants presents the writing essentials for engaging your potential funders and reeling them in with your business case, hook, line and sinker. Know how to balance emotional appeal with evidence, learn the golden rules of grant writing, understand how to meet assessors expectations around evidence and capability, what not to do, how to structure your application for maximum engagement, and the steps of good editing practice. Learn as we put examples of poorly and well-written answers to commonly asked application questions under the microscope, and discover the key phases of editing.
Project Budgets & Packaging – Securing Grant Funding for Business as Usual How do you factor in volunteer time to your grant project budget? Should you put in overheads? How do you ask for salaries when funders don’t fund them? Strategic Grants and their funder friends frequently see the same mistakes made in grant application budgets. Many funders have financial backgrounds and look to your budget section first when assessing grant applications. This webinar covers the key steps to avoid budget pitfalls and put together a strong grant project budget to help give your applications their best chance at success!
Introduction to Winning Grants Webinar presented to Churches of Christ VIC Tas |